Friday, March 20, 2009


I fucking hate my computer. I need a new one seriously. Might go spend like 300 on a small one and get it fixed. I love my dad but i don't know, for some one who has been working with computers as long as him you THINK, he'd be able to figure out this virus that has my laptop on LOCKDOWN. But no...

Anyway, let's get away from the negative.

Today's Agenda:
Maybe Movie
Returning Video Game
Missing Mike
plus push ups and shit.

I'm not soar today but i will be the next two days, i already know. lol.
I been lifting with a couple of the guys from the team and it really makes me feel good.
Dead ass i love the feeling of my chest gettiong buff. Nothing else. JUST MY CHEST.
Why? because i can picture it looking mad good in the future.
Of course this won't really help with me much but it is a good self esteem booster. That's for sure.

What i'm going to record:
If You Say You Will
Jam's Pain (Going on ML2S) *ML2S =Most likely 2 succeed
March 23, 2009
I'm Still Fly (maybe going on ML2S)
Judgement Day (Intro to ML2S)

thinking about it makes me, i don't know. FEEL SO GOOD. lol.
~Jam The Fuck Out~

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