Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Why am i obessed with intimacy? What is it? Why do i need it?
I was just just watching Sex in the City (don't judge me, lol) and the whole episode was about three-somes. And it was kind of cool, idk, i'm not going to blog about my ideas on the topic. Anyway, the point is at the end, Mr. Biggs or w/e his name is was like me and my ex wife had a three some because we were looking for something, different. At the end Carrie goes i understand the point and thrill of threesomes but it's the intimacy that is a bitch.
And it's true. Cause people have sex all the time and shit but it's this stupid idea of intimacy that people need and that i'm obsesed with.

(Ladies don't judge me)
Read the previous entries & watch the video. WILD.
~Jam Out~


  1. Do you like sex and the city..or did you just happen to change the channel and it was onn??

    psst. its okay if you do though..
    i think you were in my dream either yesterday or the day before..just thought i'd tell you.

    and of course people need the idea of intimacy..its what makes them sometimes feel beautiful..or even wanted. And thats why intimacy can be such a beautiful thingg..

  2. i disagree with lorri on this...forgive me if i get all psychological, than again im gonna be a psych major. ironic. anyway intimacy is only a step down from what ppl rlly want...i see it as a poison. a couple could be going out for 10 years but no intimacy is anywhere to be seen. Its a selfish desire rlly...if you seek intimacy you want ppl to love you and you want attention. you dont want intimacy, its nice to have around...but its not something to truly yearn for..those who yearn will always find themselves feeling "empty."

    On a positive note...i was listenin to ur bk girl remix again...the chorus should be the "broooklllyynnnnnnn" chant. thank me later =D lol "you say aint nuttin but "broooookkkkllllyyyynnnnnnnnnn"

  3. Alyssa says you're alright :) she loves that show
