Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Feel Like A Dirty Diaper...Full of Shit

Yea, so i woke up this morning feeling like ABSOLUTE SHIT. True story. I'm about to try and go back to bed, because i'm tired as fuck. I know, I know, the cursing but "fuck it" lol. I can't even think. Anyway, I never saw the movie Pretty Woman with Julia Roberts before today. I've seen parts of it and technically i didn't even see the whole thing (i missed the first 20mins) but whatever. It was a good movie. I definitely want to make a song and a video off of the movie concept. It's pretty cool, that Cinderella type shit. The stuff below are quotes, i rephrased them because i don't know if i heard correctly or whatever. I thought they were pretty cool. The first one is from the Movie "Evan Almighty" and the second one is from pretty woman.

No homo, i like John Mayer's voice so i put up one of his most popular songs. It makes me feel a little better. Pretty inspiring.

The first video is a rendition of MC Hammer's song i think. For all my english majors, or people who love correcting other people's grammar, you should especially find the video entertaining.

Last, is the piano scene in pretty woman. I was looking for a good fucking scene but i couldn't find it on youtube and i don't have much patience at the moment. I'll probably be home ALLLLLL DAAAAYYYY, so expect more.

"When someone asks god for courage, does he give them courage or does he give the person an opportunity to be courageous?"

"I understand the concept of more, but how much more?"
"I need the fairytale"

English People

John Mayer

Pretty Woman

Zits Comic Strip that i couldn't post last night

P.S. The next entry will be about INTIMACY, how much people NEED it and WANT it, especially myself and probably how people can CHANGE who you are by opening up your eyes to the world.


  1. lol the first vid is Sir Mix A Lot - Baby Got Back! =) no MC Hammer. =D

    And it's spelled tongue Jonathan, lol =P

  2. hahaha Tiff. :) I watched that video and I love it!!!!!!!!!! Feel better and I really wish you were there for our win tonight. Would have made the night even better. :)
