Thursday, July 9, 2009

Realistic Idea

Just going to keep this one short and sweet. Basically I just want to get back on my grind once I step back on New York soil. I'm gunna aim to record 20 songs. Play basketball 4 days a week n work out four days and seriously think about going back to mcds for 3/4 days a week. I just need to be on my Aplus game. Ya know? And anytime I feel myself slippin or slackin, I have to find a way to re-motivate myself.

So yea. I'm gunna try to write some songs over here, which I have already, but some other shit. I really like my friend Johnny F who just started rapping. Our styles are similar which is really nice to feel comfortable with someone on the music tip. His lyrics are pretty good, flow needs an abudance of work but so does mine and that's why I love it. Once he catches up it'll be nice but it's nice having someone wanting to learn from me. I never let it get to my head, I try to be even more humble. It just boosts my self-esteem which is always needed.

Anyway, I want to get a small tatto. Nothing too major. Just a word or a small animal or something. Idk how does "not afraid to be vulnerable" for a tattoo maybe around my wrist or some. Or a music note or something. Gunna think about it. And I'm trying to "upgrade the mj tribute" in a small way. I'm probably gunna keep it for the most part how it is but we'll see. I WAS pretty content with it before besides the sound quality but otherwise. I like it. I guess that's the most important thing.

I got to get some sleep. Keep up the good work bloggers and readers alike.

:) Jam The Fuck out

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